
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Secret, Secret, I Got a Secret!

Tyler and I have been keeping a little secret!  We didn't want to post anything on the blog until everything was final because we didn't want to jinx anything BUT... we bought a house!  We are really excited and have already started making it ours.  
Tyler signing the paperwork
We are currently living in the basement apartment of my parents house (which we love) but over the summer we realized that it was time to start looking for a house of our own.  Interest rates are at an all time low right now and thanks to Mr. Dave Ramsey, we have been preparing ourselves financially for the past four years (yes FOUR years) to buy a house.  We have been scrimping and saving and paying off debt to get to this point and it has paid off!  Trust me, we still have a good ways to go to be truly financially free. 
Me signing the paperwork.. look at Tyler's face!
So we started searching for homes in our desired area and found a few that we liked, loved, and had to have but one home stuck out above the rest.  We went to settlement on the house yesterday and we are now proud homeowners! 
Here is our new home!
It definitely a turn-key house and we could have moved in yesterday if we wanted to however, we are planning on doing some "fixing up" before we fully move everything over.  We plan on painting every wall in the house, taking down some outdated spindles, possibly adding a "pass through" (aka whole in the wall), and doing some good cleaning.  So we headed over to the new house yesterday to get started! 
Everett exploring around the house
We ate our first "meal" at the house yesterday... Chipotle!  Everett loves it! 

Tyler worked outside on the driveway, pulling up weeds and prepping it for sealing (which he and my dad will be doing on Sunday.)  It was so nice outside so we opened all the windows up, it seemed like some of them hadn't been opened in a looooong time.  After we got them open it was apparent that they needed a good cleaning so I grabbed a sponge and some warm water and got to work.  
Everett looking outside! "Daddy!"
Stay tuned for a full walk through of the new house complete with our "to-do" list for each room!  Can't wait to share all the pictures!
Even Mowgli loves the new house!


  1. I am overflowing with excitement and joy for the three of you! I am one proud Mama! It is a wonderful feeling just knowing that your kids are ALRIGHT! Love you so much!
