
Friday, October 12, 2012

Nap Time Craft Time: No Carve Jack O Lanterns

Welcome to Nap Time Craft Time! Shhh, don't wake the kiddos!  These posts feature a craft that is so easy you can complete this project during nap time! This project can also most likely be completed with items you already have at home! Simple, cute, and free?! I know, awesome right!  

This is actually a craft that you might want to include the kiddos in because it is fun and the kids will like it because it's messy!  
I started thinking about how every year we carve pumpkins and every year they get so nasty that I have to make Tyler throw them away because I can't stand to look at them anymore.  So I have come up with a different idea that I think is a super cute way to create a Jack O Lantern without having to actually carve the pumpkin.  

I did some "research" (okay I googled What paint will stick to pumpkins) and found this article. It gave three options: latex paint, spray paint, and puffy paint.  If this weren't a craft that I was going to do with Everett then I would have probably gotten out the spray paint, made a stencil, and went to town but since I wanted this to be his pumpkin I went with latex and puffy paint. 

Here's what you'll need: 
  • A pumpkin (clean and dry) 
  • Various paint colors
  • Brushes (or fingers)
  • Sponges cut in triangles (for eyes and nose) and smile
  • Towel, sheet, something to paint on
  • Clear spray paint (optional)
Here's what you'll do: 
  • First make sure your pumpkin is clean and dry 
  • Now spread out your towel, sheet, etc so you don't make a mess! I used "cling wrap" on Everett's highchair and that worked out pretty well. 
  • I used the paints that I had to make darker more "fall" colors and put them on different bowls so that they wouldn't all start blending when Everett got his hands in them.
  • Start your kiddo out with the lightest color and let them at it!  You will want to work from light to dark colors so that they will all show.  Also, ensure to rotate your pumpkin throughout the process so that the whole thing gets a nice paint job.
  • After your little Picaso is finished (or is too messy) let your pumpkin dry fully.
  • Now it's time to give this guy a face! Using sponges or free-hand paint on the eyes, nose, and mouth! 
  • Once Mr. Jack O Lanterns face is dry, use a clear spray paint to seal the masterpiece. 
That's it!  Pretty easy and the great thing is that this baby will last through Thanksgiving so you will be able to enjoy it all harvest-long! 


  1. This is a great idea! Having your boy paint it makes it extra special, too.

  2. Also, a friend hangs on to her uncut pumpkins and at Christmas, she spray paints them jewel metallic colors; gold, silver, red, blue, green. She then puts them in her front yard, stem down, and they look like giant Christmas ornaments. It's really pretty.

    1. Wow! What a great idea! I might be trying that around Christmas time!! :) Thanks!
