
Friday, October 19, 2012

Around the Nest: Playroom- It's Done!

Looking for Nifty Thrifty Friday/Nap Time Craft Time?  Don't fret, come back next Friday for a fun and exciting craft project! 
Well the first room to be completely done in our new house is, of course the playroom! A lot of work has gone into this room and I can't wait to share the final product with the world! 
So here is the blank canvas that we started out with. 
Here's the room with the landscaping added...
So we have been working on getting all of Everett's toys and fun stuff in there and having a great friend of mine, Lisa come and paint Dr. Seuss characters on the wall.  She did an AMAZING job and if anyone in the Fredericksburg area needs a mural painted please contact me and I will get you her info. Without further ado, here it is folks! :)



We LOVE how it turned out and Everett really enjoys playing in there! 


  1. I'm so glad you like it and I'm really glad we got the WHO house and MACK in there for Tyler too! It was super fun to do, and someday, I'd like to make a living out of doing anyone who wants to hire me...please do!!

  2. Wow, so cute! I could never pull something like that off, nice work!!

    1. Thanks! It is one of our favorite rooms in the house! :)
