
Friday, November 16, 2012

Month of Thanks: Week Two

Thursday, November 8: I am thankful for the beautiful Virginia scenery.  Today while driving down the interstate and the crappiness that comes with 95 I was reminded of the beauty that God has given us with the changing of the seasons.  

Friday, November 9: Today I am thankful for the gift of friendship.  I was able to have lunch with a good friend of mine today, Vivid and I am was reminded of how important it is to spend time with other moms and to know that you're not alone in this whole motherhood journey.

Saturday, November 10: I am thankful today for the relationship that Tyler and Everett have. It is so reassuring to know that we are on the same page when it comes to raising him and that we are equal partners in our marriage. 

Sunday, November 11: Today I was able to serve in the nursery at church, which is something that I really enjoy.  I was reminded about how much work goes into organizing all of the volunteers, curriculum, and details of the preschool program at our church.  I am so thankful for Robin, the preschool director and all of the time and love she puts into making the program great for the kids. 

Monday, November 12: I am thankful for my little sister... even when we get on each others nerves.  Everyone always says "your sister will become your best friend" and I don't think that either of us really ever believed that.  Now that we are older we really are best friends and I am glad that we live close enough to see each other frequently.

Tuesday, November 13: I am thankful for my brother and all of his many talents.  He is currently playing the role of Rolf (You are 16 going on 17..) in The Sound of Music at The Riverside Dinner Theater.  He is so talented and I hope that everyone has an opportunity to go and see the show! 
Wednesday, November 14: Today I am thankful for good true friends.  Friends who know what you are talking about and can finish your sentences.  Friends who you can pick up from where you left off, even if you haven't seen or talked to them in a while.  Friends who just understand you and tell you the advice you need, not the advice you want to hear. 

Thursday, November 15: I am thankful for the support that I have from my local La Leche League group.  With the new baby coming I was struggling to decide if Everett and I were ready to give up breastfeeding and they have really helped me to be confident in the decision to continue nursing.  

Friday, November 16: Today I am thankful for baby Flubber! This whole pregnancy thing did get off to quite a rocky start but I am so excited to be bringing a new bundle of joy into this world.  Everett and I were able to hear the baby's heartbeat again today and I was reminded of how blessed I am. 

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