
Thursday, October 4, 2012

An Update and an Announcement

After my visit to the emergency room on Sunday I was instructed to follow up with my doctor on Tuesday.  When I got to my doctors office I was still feeling very tired and not anywhere back to "normal."  My doctor checked me over to make sure that the ER hadn't missed anything or misdiagnosed me.  She said that I did have an infection and to continue on with the antibiotics but she was very concerned because I was extremely dehydrated.  She sent me over to urgent care to get some IV fluid in hopes that would help me get back on my feet. 

At urgent care I was given two full bags of IV fluids and they retested my dehydration levels.  Unfortunately after two bags of fluid I was still at the far end of the dehydration scale and to top it off, as I got up to leave I had to run to the bathroom to throw up.  Bummer. They gave me a shot of anti-nausea meds and sent me home with instructions to come back the next day (Wednesday) to get one more bag of fluids.  

Monday and Tuesday night, Everett and I stayed with Tyler's Meme so that she could take care of us.  We are back at home now and Tyler has taken today and tomorrow off.  I am really working hard at drinking lots of water, Gatorade, etc. as well as eating so that I do not start slipping back into dehydration!  

Oh and did I mention that I have been pregnant while this is all happening?  :)   Yes, you read that right, Everett's only child status is expiring in May of 2013! For those of you wondering, we have been monitoring the baby during this crummy time and s/he is growing like a weed!  So please send the prayers our way as I am still not back to feeling normal pregnant. 

Thanks y'all! 


  1. Love you, praying for you! And I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Sorry you are feeling awful but CONGRATULATIONS on the bundle of pure joy. Glad to hear baby is ok and I will continue to pray for your recovery and comfort.

    Miya Brown
