Saturday, January 18, 2014

Letters to Nolan: 1/18/14

Dear Nolan,

You are eight months old and are in to EVERYTHING! You have graduated from belly scooting to full blown crawling! You can go anywhere and everywhere and literally nothing gets in the way.  You will crawl over, under, and through things to get what you want and where you want! Thank goodness we have gates! 

You have also started to try and walk when we hold your hands and you think that is really great fun! You will walk as fast as we will let you and I am not really ready for all of that!  You are really into playing with toys now and are trying to figure out what everything does and how you can make noise out of it.  Anything that you can clang or bang on the floor is highly prized in your eyes!
You are really settling into your personality now and you LOVE to laugh.  Clapping and squeeling is a daily occurrence and we all love it. You and your brother are really starting to play and entertain each other these days and I love seeing the two of you together.  You guys had a great Christmas and you really loved playing with the Christmas paper and boxes. :)
The latest "health' development that you have had is that both of your bottom teeth popped through this month! The all night nursing that went along with that was not particularly fun on my part but it helped you through it and that's what matters! You are still nursing every two hours or so during the day and will go about four hours at night.  Naps are few and far between here, just like your brother but if you are up in the wrap you will sleep! Needless to say most afternoons are spent with you on my back! 

Here's what you've been up to this past month: 

12/20/13: Started clapping today
01/02/14: Started walking when we hold both your hands
01/04/14: First night you wanted to sleep on your stomach 
01/06/14: First tooth (bottom right) 
01/11/13: Started to crawl on all fours 
11/17/14: Saw you dancing for the first time 
11/18/14: Second tooth (bottom left)

Momma and daddy love you to the moon and all the way back! 


For more Letters to Nolan, click here
For Letters to Everett, click here!

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