Thursday, February 20, 2014

Letters to Nolan: 2/18/14

Dear Nolan,

Well Mister Man you have decided that you are not a baby anymore.  No sir, not you! You want to do just what your big brother is doing and you don't care what it takes, you will do what he is doing. Anything that he is doing seems amazing to you and you are so happy to spend all your time with Everett. 

You don't really like to take naps by yourself, or even sleep by yourself at night. I don't blame you though, who wouldn't want to be snuggled up with someone else and sleep!?  When Sue is here she usually wears you in the Ergo for naps and if you're still tired when she leaves or if you need to take another nap I will wrap you up in our Little Frog woven wrap. You really like to "go up" and instantly relax once you're in your happy place on my back.  We have been learning all new ways to wear the wrap and you are very patient when I am learning a new carry. 
You are so happy almost all the time! When you are crawling around, you will stop and start clapping- it is so cute! I love watching you explore around the house and seeing how happy you are once you've found something that you haven't been able to get to before.  You are also learning the word "no" and so far you are actually responding well to it (which makes me happy).  You are a very determined little dude but you are also very content to listen to me... for now. 

Here's what you've been up to this past month: 

01/20/14: Started pulling up to your knees

02/01/14: Started pulling up to standing 
02/05/14: Saying "Da-da" when you see Daddy
02/18/15: Nine month well check- 21lbs 14oz (70th percentile), 28" long (60th percentile), started waving

Momma and daddy love you to the moon and all the way back! 


For more Letters to Nolan, click here
For Letters to Everett, click here!

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