Friday, February 8, 2013

New Year, New Goals: January Update

Here I am checking in with one month already down for the year of 2013!  Man did it blow by!? So have I been keeping up with my goals?   First, here's a recap of what I wanted to achieve in the first three months of 2013... 
  • January- March Goals
    • No soda! 
      • Substitute for tea, juice, and water
    • Drink 16 ounces of water per day 
    • Eat more healthily
      • Only eat fast food 4x/month at most 
    • Daily scripture reading
      • Reinforce this by attending weekly women's Bible study
      • Reinforce this by using a daily devotional book

I have not had a soda since 2012! Wahoo! I almost caved at one point because I was so tired and wanted an extra "jolt" of energy but I withheld!  I have also found that the more water I drink, the more water that I crave. It's weird because I have never been a "water drinker" but I am slowly getting used to drinking it.  As far as the 16 ounces a day goes, I have been keeping up with that most days.  I am on the hunt for a good water bottle that I can use every day so that I can track how much I am drinking.  (If you have any suggestions, please let me know!) 

Fast Food/Healthy Eating
In order to track how often I was eating fast food I created a "note" on iPhone so that I can add any visits I have to fast food establishments easily.  Here's what the list looked like in January: 5th: Sonic, 11th: Chick Fil A, 26th: McDonalds, 28th: Chick Fil A 
I did reach my four times a month quota and I think that it is going to be very hard to scale all the way down to one time a month by the end of the year! I am sure that it will be worth it though! 

I have been trying more recipes at home and am hoping to cut out gluten entirely.  I am a sucker for bread so it is going to be a challenge.  Since Tyler lives a paleo lifestyle, he already has cut out all gluten in his diet.  Prior to pregnancy I was more strict and lived a "mostly" paleo lifestyle but right now it is unrealistic for me.  I am also trying to cut out refined sugar and sugar substitutes.  Check out my "Mouth Watering Wednesdays" posts for new recipes that we've been trying out! 

Daily Scripture Reading
I have been reading almost every day but I am keeping up with my daily devotional book.  The book I have, Daily Wisdom for Women is great and it is amazing how often the things that I am reading run so parallel to what I am dealing with that day.  I have been trying to set aside time every day, usually in the morning to read.  

Unfortunately, I was not able to participate in a women's Bible study this quarter at church because of some changes that are going on within the Thompson household (more on this at some point!)  I have however, started meeting with a good friend from church once a week to just vent and connect and it has been really great.  I think that it has been very inspiring to have someone to confide in and to be held accountable by! 

So that's how I have been doing! How about you? Are you still hanging to your New Years resolutions or have they already been thrown by the wayside? I'd love to hear how you're doing! 

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