Sunday, June 3, 2012

Time to Get Serious

Confession time... I have fallen off the paleo bandwagon! Ugh. With these last two mini-trips Everett and I have taken (see here and here) I have let myself slack a little lot on eating the way that I should be. It is so easy to just cheat here and there and then keep cheating and keep cheating and eventually I am back to just eating whatever!  I'm not eating paleo to lose weight but to just be healthier in general and I know that the past few weeks I have been feeling more "blah" so it's back to the grind! 

I plan on making some more "bread" when I get home and some chewy "granola" and jump back on it! 

1 comment:

  1. My hubbs and I are trying to eat vegan but we don't do it full time. Even eating well just when we are at home makes a huge difference and then when we go out we can treat ourselves. Its to the point though that even when I go out to eat all I want is vegetables so its getting easier
