Friday, November 22, 2013

Letters to Everett: 11/22/13

Dear Everett,

You are two and a half years old today and have officially graduated from a toddler to a "kid!"  We did a few of your favorite things today, like going to Chick Fil A and baking muffins.  You even got to have a candle on top of your muffin and blow it out over and over again! I think that you liked that part more then the actual muffin. 

You have added so much joy to our lives these past two and a half years and you continue to amaze us every day.  I love that you are such a happy kid these days and that you truly love your family.  You are caring and thoughtful towards your brother (most of the time) and always want to show him love. 

You continue to be picky with your food and still LOVE sweets (just like your momma) but that comes with being two!  We are hopeful that you will branch out from hot dogs, chicken nuggets, and noodles at some point in the near future. I don't act as a short order cook though so there are some nights that you just flat out refuse to eat dinner... but you always eat breakfast the next morning, silly boy!
I think that with every passing day you learn more and more words.  You are able to figure out what words mean based on context and are able to start incorporating them into your vocabulary as well.  You have a great imagination and it is so funny to hear some of the things that you tell us.  I am planning on starting a series called "Chatting with Everett" where I can document all the hilarious things that you say! 

I am planning on writing you letters every few months now that you are older.  I am so glad that I was able to write these letters to you up until now so that we will be able to look back and see how much you have grown.  You are such a wonderful boy and I am glad that God gave you to daddy and I!

Momma and daddy love you to the moon and all the way back! 




For Letters to Everett, click here

For Letters to Nolan, click here!

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